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Created 14-Jun-10
Modified 18-Feb-25
30 photos
In 1999, the Kentucky Distillers’ Association created the Kentucky Bourbon Trail to showcase the rich history and proud tradition of Kentucky Bourbon. The current trail includes six operating distilleries located throughout the rolling hills of Bluegrass Country. While exploring the tradition you will relive 200 years of legend by visiting museums, watching videos, touring facilities and sampling the finest Bourbon money can buy.

If your plans include visiting all six featured distilleries, you probably want to set aside more than a day. Each distillery can easily require anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours to visit. Additional time may be required to travel the 112 miles of two lane country roads between distilleries. The Bluegrass countryside is wonderful, most admissions are free and after visiting several tasting rooms you will be feeling no pain.

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